Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques
Stanford GSB
One of the most essential ingredients to success in business and life is effective communication. Read more
186. Own Your Impact: How to Communicate Your Personal Power Yesterday (02/18/2025) 00:20:51185. Say Less, Mean More: Craft Compelling Communication 02/11/2025 00:20:26
184. Fit or Quit? Find the Job That is Right For You—Catalyze Your Career 02/06/2025 00:21:17183. Rethinks: How Anxiety Can Fuel Better Communication 02/04/2025 00:26:38182. Stop Chasing Time and Start Owning It: Communication, Happiness & Wellbeing 01/30/2025 00:21:34 Show all episodes
Our take on Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques podcast
Struggling with public speaking? Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques offers top advice that'll change the way you talk and connect in weekly episodes lasting around 20 minutes. There's always something new to learn, like chatting with AI or boosting your emotional intelligence and its communicational output. From casual chats to tough debates, this podcast has you covered. Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques is a careers podcast by Stanford GSB.Stanford GSB
Matt Abrahams
United States

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