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Play Podcast is a free podcast player you can use on any device, anytime, easily. You can listen to episodes from your favorite hosts, such as The Daily, Crime Junkie, Smartless and Stuff You Should Know. You don't need an account, an app, or to download anything to listen to the best free podcasts.

Top podcasts

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The Mel Robbins PodcastThe Mel Robbins Podcast1.
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Crook CountyCrook County6.
Blink | Jake Haendel's StoryBlink | Jake Haendel's Story7.
The Ezra Klein ShowThe Ezra Klein Show8.
Shawn Ryan ShowShawn Ryan Show9.
Crime JunkieCrime Junkie10.


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Play Podcast is a podcast player where you can listen to your favorite podcasts online, using your PC, laptop, tablet or phone. You don't need an app, a subscription, or even to log in to listen to the best podcasts here. You can listen to your favorite free podcasts instantly without any annoyance, just hit play. You can find the podcasts you like by using our search bar, through our categories or in our podcast recommendations dedicated articles.
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